Rudy gay injury update

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Rudy Gay is one of the top 450 basketball players in the world, if he was in the correct system from his rookie year on out he would probably be a 6 time all star going into the prime of his hall of fame career, but since he has had Marc Ivoroni and Dwanye Casey for his coaches then yeah he is going to be what he has become a very rich talented basketball player lol. But for you non-basketball players (90% of this site) no one would know that. Contested shot OMG if you ever played basketball then you would know that that shot is not as hard as everyone says it is. A player is just that a player, why would I pass to a wide open Tony Allen who is camped out at the 3 point line if I’m Rudy Gay when I can shoot over a guy. Carmelo Anthony would not be who he is if he was drafted to the Piston’s instead of the Nuggets. Kawhi Leonard has missed the start to the season, and Kyle Anderson is out for at least 2-3 weeks with a sprained MCL in his knee, which keeps Gay the starting small forward for a fourth straight game.

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Yeah he’s a terrible player because you know when a guy averages 2.9 assist a game he is a game changer lol, you guys are crazy….If you put every player in Phil Jackson’s system or Pop’s system them they would get the most out of their talent. I wrote up Rudy Gay in the picks article, and predicted he would be an every lineup guy, and here we are.

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