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Back in 2017 I started an Amateur xTube account under the name HungerFF, but I still prefer guys call me by my real name which is Ryan. So I’ve gone by a couple names over the years, a lot of guys on the internet remember me as RJ Danvers from my days with Raging Stallion. Please introduce yourself, How old are you? Where are you from? What’s your day job?įirst of all I just want to say thank you for doing this interview with me! QueerMeNow has been so good to me ever since I started off in the adult industry over ten years ago, so it’s really exciting to get the chance to talk again all these years later. Learn more about this fisting gay porn star and his gay porn journey in the exclusive interview below. Some of you might remember him as Raging Stallion exclusive gay porn star RJ Danvers (2007 – 2012).

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HungerFF is one of the 2018 top ten gay porn performers on JustFor.Fans.

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